We experience a variety of emotions and events during our life.  Many are joyful, thrilling and fun, while others may be sad, distressing or traumatic.  When the later types of emotions get repressed or buried instead of processed and released, it can contribute to physical and mental health issues.  The mind, body and spirit are all interconnected and directly affect each other.  Sometimes emotions are buried for years or decades before they resurface in an unhealthy manner.  This can happen when a current event triggers an old memory or feeling.  The pain bubbles up to the surface, and you experience it again.   Other times, you are unaware of past feelings and events affecting your everyday life.  For example, if you have acute or chronic pain, the buried emotion may be contributing to it.  Let me share one client’s story of healing with you. 

Shelia (her name has been changed) came to me because of issues she was experiencing post-cancer treatment.  She was in a car accident on the day she was to have her second session.  I did a distance (remote) healing that evening because the car was damaged, and she did not want to drive.  She was angry because the other car’s driver had cut her off three times.  Shelia had been trying to move away from him when his car hit hers.  This incident triggered old memories and emotions in her from her childhood.  Her father had been “a crazy driver,” and she always felt trapped and afraid/anxious when driving to places with him.  She said, “I feel like a whiny, scared child tonight.”  She had not thought about her father’s driving in a very long time.  These feelings became our new issues to work on. 

All seven of her chakras were compromised, and her energy field had multiple disturbances.  These findings were not surprising due to the new and old traumatic events being expressed by her physically and emotionally.  After the session, all her chakras were open and the field was improved.

One week later, she was still experiencing anxiety, not sleeping well and “feeling vulnerable in the world.” Our mutual intentions were to clear her childhood and acute emotions around driving, to feel safe in the world and improve her sleep pattern.  We worked on this for the subsequent 4 sessions.  In these sessions, 1-3 chakras were compromised in the pre-treatment assessment.  I felt fewer disturbances in her energy field on every pre-treatment assessment. 

For two sessions, I implemented a healing touch technique called Chakra Connection with Body Centered Interview.  This technique can be powerfully revealing and empower clients with conscious associations between symptoms, life patterns and beliefs.  They can then make informed positive changes in their lives.  It is helpful in releasing cellular memory and thus the symptoms originating from earlier physical or emotional events.  That was the case with Shelia. The energy work assisted her to consciously acknowledge the buried fear/anxiety, then clear it from her cellular memory. 

When she returned for her 6th session, her anxiety was resolved; she was sleeping through the night and felt safe in the world.  Shelia felt a positive emotional shift towards her father. All 7of her chakras were open, and I felt moderate-mild disturbances in her energy system on pre-treatment assessment.  We returned to focusing on the original issues she had presented to me.     

Healing touch allows a person to gently release “stuck” emotions (which are energy) without having to relive the event.  This release allows energy to flow which assists the body in healing the mind, body and spirit. HT practitioners facilitate the process and provide a safe, sacred space for this to occur.  It will probably take several sessions and weeks to fully process the emotions or events.  Once completed, improved physical and/or emotional health is usually experienced.

Please contact me if you have questions or would like a consultation regarding an issue you are experiencing.