Whether you are feeling “blah”, sad, ok or happy you can never have too much joy or sense of wellbeing in your life.   We are all experiencing so many changes in our lives right now, from the pandemic, social and racial injustices, and politics in general.  Personally, I am experiencing a range of emotions on any given day but I don’t stay “stuck” in the lower vibrations of fear, sadness and anger because I know how to promote joy in myself. 

I want to share this with you so you can help yourself and others do the same.  Find which method(s) work for you and do them often! 

6 Ways to Promote Joy and Well-being

  1.  Move Your Body  – Do movement that you enjoy such as dance, run, tia chai,  yoga, basketball, any activity that allows you to feel your body, focus on that moment and tune in to yourself. This helps to move stagnant energy, promotes circulation, brings more oxygen into your body, and releases endorphins which make you feel good!
  2. Essential Oils – Some oilscan gently support a positive out-look, self-image and self-esteem even in chaotic times.  When you experience these qualities you are better able to see your strengths, take action, stay healthy and feel better about yourself and the world.

    Some oils that can assist you are:  neroli, frankincense, juniper, jasmine, Roman chamomile, Melissa and rose. 
  3. Get Outside – Go to the park, the beach, a forest, a local garden or your own backyard if it has plants and drink in nature’s vibration.  Quiet your mind, be in the present moment watching bees come & go, listening to the birds, smelling the flowers, feeling the sun &/or wind on your face.  Marvel at the colors and life around you.   Go barefoot in the grass if you like and really connect with the Earth.  The Earth has its own resonance (vibration) that is very calming and uplifting.  Connecting with it uplifts your spirits and eases dis-ease.
  4. Healing Touch  – keeping your chakras opened and balanced is critical for physical, mental and emotional well-being.  The self-chakra connection allows you to help yourself do just that.  Click on this link to learn how to perform a self-chakra connection.

    I also strongly recommend receiving a healing touch treatment from a practitioner or fellow student (if you have taken a healing touch class) at least monthly.  During these emotional, chaotic times I have been receiving a treatment every other week to stay grounded, open and balanced.  This helps to calm the nervous system, clears the mind and raises your spirits. 
  5.  Guided Imagery – Sometimes when life’s circumstances gets us down we forget what it was like to feel joyful and healthy.  Using imagery you can go back to a time when you felt happy, healthy, and on top of the world.  By re-experiencing this time and feeling through imagery your conscious mind remembers and wants to achieve that again.  This experience triggers chemical changes in your body that boosts your immune system and your spirits. 
  6. Crystals – Every crystal has its own vibration and properties.  They help to bring the chakras back into balance and increase your vibration resulting in more joy and a sense of well-being. 

    The following crystals assist in releasing negative patterns & thoughts, calms the nervous system, protects your aura (biofield) allowing you to move forward in your life and experience more joy and overall well- being.

    Here is a partial list of crystals: Citrine, peridot, green tourmaline, orange jade, amethyst.

Have fun exploring these methods.  I would love to hear which one(s) work for you. 

If you would like some help in promoting joy in yourself I am here to assist you.  Just email laurie@mindandbodymethod.com or call me 510 381-3191.  I am doing remote or outdoor sessions during this time.