Heart Wrenching Decision made Easier

Heart Wrenching Decision made Easier

It’s been more than 10 years since we took Mom off life support, it was a heart wrenching decision but made easier because we knew my Mom’s wishes. Would your family know what to do if you could not speak for yourself? My Mom was very clear about what she wanted us to...

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4 Insights into the Power of Lemon Oil

There are multiple uses for Lemon oil and it is a powerful player in natural healing. It is one of 4 universal essential oils because of its versatility. When inhaled it can help you to focus and invigorate your spirit. I have used it many an afternoon to help with...

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The Devastation of Getting Fired (and what I did about it)

It was 25 years later when I was finally able to let go of the devastation of getting fired from my first RN job. This trauma affected how I behaved at work and at home for years.  On paper I left the hospital but actually what happened is I was fired without cause....

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Your Energy System and Your Health (Part 3 of 3)

Your Energy System and Your Health (Part 3 of 3)

Your energy system and your health are intricately connected. Research tells us that changes occur in the energy field (aura) before physical symptoms or diseases appear. Keeping your energy field clear and your chakras open contributes to a healthy body, mind and...

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Nature to Ease my Grief & Rejuvenate my Soul

Nature to Ease my Grief & Rejuvenate my Soul

Many years ago my Dad died fairly suddenly and I turned to nature to ease my grief and rejuvenate my soul. About a month after his death my husband and I took a trip to Monterrey. Being on the beach, sitting on rocks or on the sand, watching the waves roll in and out,...

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Your Energy System and Your Health (Part 2 of 3)

Your Energy System and Your Health (Part 2 of 3)

Chakras are a part of your energy system and a reflection on your health. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that literally means “wheel of light.” You have 7 major chakras that lie just in front of your spine. Each one has a corresponding color, sound, body area, gland(s) and...

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Wisconsin Winters a mix of Fun and Illness

As a child living in Milwaukee Wisconsin winters were a mix of fun and illness for me. I have vivid memories of building snowmen, snow horses and even a snow fort in our backyard. Our yard was very large so we had a lot of room to build things and have snowball...

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Your Energy System and Your Health (Part 1 of 3)

Your Energy System and Your Health (Part 1 of 3)

Your energy system and your health are intricately inter-related. How do you feel when you have a cold? Tired and low energy, irritable or can’t think clearly? That’s because your energy system is out of balance which decreases your vibration. Your energy system is...

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My Intuition Helped Save a Life

My Intuition Helped Save a Life

One day while working in the Emergency Room my intuition helped save a life. I was caring for a patient that had come in feeling very anxious, had high blood pressure, fast pulse and breathing very fast. After providing her with medications and intravenous fluids her...

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3 Unusal Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

3 Unusal Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

I want to share some tips you may not have heard about, 3 unusual tips to reduce holiday stress. Additional demands on our time can cause stress. Most of us know we should get plenty of sleep, ask for help, eat well and say “no” when we are stretched too thin but I...

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Don’t try to Convince Others that Holistic Therapies Work

I tell my clients, “Don’t try to convince others that holistic therapies work. “ Why? Because convincing can lead to tension between the two parties and who wants that? I suggest clients share their experience and success stories with the family member or friend which...

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Control Inflammation Naturally

Control Inflammation Naturally

  Let’s look at ways to control inflammation naturally to prevent disease at the root cause. First manage your stress. We need some stress in our lives to motivate us but constant, high levels of stress causes chemical changes that adversely affect our body and mind....

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Inflammation – the Good, Bad and the Ugly

Inflammation – the Good, Bad and the Ugly

I want you to know about Inflammation - the good, bad and the ugly. Inflammation is necessary and good for us for short periods of time. When you are injured or get an infection the inflammatory process comes to the rescue to fight off invaders and help our bodies to...

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Life Transitions and Transformations

Life Transitions and Transformations

I have experienced many life transitions and transformations through my 50+ years of being alive. Transitions like going from single to married and later on being a Mom. One that I am still experiencing is going from nurse to healer and business owner. This has been...

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Ease Arthritis Pain Naturally

Ease Arthritis Pain Naturally

There are several ways to help ease arthritis pain naturally. Both my mom and grandma had rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The picture is my grandma at age 89. I wish I had known about essential oils back then! I have some osteoarthritis in my hands as well. Fortunately...

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Unique and Delicious Italian Food

Unique and Delicious Italian Food

When we visit our relatives in Italy they always prepare some unique and delicious Italian foods for us, along with our traditional favorites. One of my favorites is Donkey salami. I know it sounds strange but it was delicious! The meat was tender and did not seem to...

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Ways to Help Prevent Colds Flu Naturally

Ways to Help Prevent Colds Flu Naturally

There are many ways to help prevent colds/flu naturally. Physicians, pharmacies and drug companies really push the flu vaccine and for some people it is appropriate but not for normally healthy children and adults. The flu vaccine is the “best guess” of what viruses...

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Huck has Several Quirks

Our dog Huck has several quirks. One is he does not like the sound of metal on metal, clanking of aluminum ladders or the sound of fans. He becomes very nervous and frequently whimpers or barks when he hears that type of sound even when it is at a low volume. For...

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The Difference between Healing and Curing

Are you aware there is a difference healing and curing?  First let’s look at the dictionary definition of both.  According to Merriam-Webster dictionary heal is to make sound or whole, to restore to health.  Cure is recovery or relief from a disease, to stop (a...

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Grandparents Lived in a Remodeled Chicken Coop

For many years my grandparents lived in a home that was actually a remodeled chicken coop.  The whole area had been farmland with chickens, horses, crops, everything.  The owners still lived in the main farmhouse and continued to farm some of the land. The chicken...

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