How I Create Serenity and Abundance in 15 Minutes a Day
I love my morning meditation. It helps me to create serenity and tackle daily challenges without getting frantic or terribly upset. The visualizations assist me in creating joy and abundance in my life.
Most mornings I sit in bed for 15 – 20 minutes and clear my mind. I focus on my breath then ground and center myself. After that I stay (or try to stay) in the present moment for several minutes.
Gain Insights About Relationships Through Your Sacral Chakra
The second chakra is the sacral chakra and relates to feelings and emotions, especially one-on-one relationships. I would say 99.5% of women that come to see me for emotional pain have this chakra congested. This makes perfect sense if you are feeling scared, isolated, depressed or experiencing feelings of being disconnected from yourself or other people. This chakra is also associated with creativity, pleasure and sexuality.
Essential Oils Have Powerful Healing Effects on the Body and Mind
Essential oils have a profound effect on every system in the body. Oils have powerful healing effects on the body such as decreasing inflammation, promoting wound healing, assist in breaking up mucus and alleviating pain, They work at the cellular level clearing off receptor sites, removing toxins and supporting cellular health. Research has shown that essential oils are effective antimicrobial agents too. When an oil is applied topically it travels through your entire body in a matter of minutes.
I Found a Tribal Dance to be Very Cathartic
My spirit was feeling disconnected, restless, and bored. My body felt ungrounded and uncentered. I wanted to go out in nature and do something different. A friend told me about Art in Nature happening that Sunday. I went and it was amazing! There were all types of musicians, dancers, artists, comedians spread out in the redwood regional park. All of it impacted me but I found a tribal dance to be VERY cathartic and the most healing.
Powerful Oils can Promote Mental Concentration and Enhance Memory
You’re working on a project and you lose your concentration, essential oils can promote mental concentration and enhance memory safely. I frequently use oils while doing research or writing materials so I can stay alert and focused. My 2 favorites are peppermint and a blend called Clarity but there are others to choose from.
I Felt Like a Failure
After the birth of my first daughter I was exhausted – labor for 36 hours which resulted in a cesarean section. It turned out her head was too big to pass through my pelvis. Then I had issues with breast feeding her. She would not nurse well and started losing...
Have a child’s mindset to help heal pain
A child's mindset is different compared to adults. One summer I was visiting my Grandparents in Wisconsin, and my Grandpa took me to the State Fair. I must have been 8 or 9 years old. What I remember is riding the Ferris wheel, eating hot dogs and playing games....
The Root Chakra and Your Life Force
Many women come to me because they are experiencing fatigue related to stress or other emotional issues. All of these women have a congested first chakra (and various other chakras as well). This is not surprising to me since the first chakra has to do with your life...
Lavender is Good for More Then Just Relaxing
Many people are aware that Lavender oil is very calming. However it can help with many other challenges as well. Did you know Lavender is an adaptogen? The oil is very complex with many different natural constituents, some stimulating and some sedating. The oil works...
Nurses and Caregivers Need Healing too
As a nurse and a woman I have spent most of my life helping others to heal while frequently ignoring my own needs. The truth is nurses and caregivers need healing too! When my children were young I would really push myself between taking care of them, working as a...
Helping Cats Contributed to my Grandma’s Longevity
My grandma had a hugh heart, one thing she did was to help abandoned cats which I believe contributed to her longevity. For many years she lived in a remodeled chicken coop in an area with vegetable fields and pastureland. It was off a main street but very rural....
Powerful Essential Oil to Help Relieve Digestive Problems
You had a fantastic evening with friends and over ate (and maybe over drank). Now you feel bloated and have some heartburn. Perhaps you tried a new food that resulted in intestinal cramping, a lot of farting or loose stools. These conditions can be embarrassing and...
2 Powerful Lessons I Learned From Horses
Horses taught me 2 powerful lessons when horseback riding back in the 7th grade with my girl scout troop. Taking English riding lessons for several months are some of my happiest memories. The horses were beautiful. We would ride in the ring. First we learned walking,...
Ease Fear and Stay Grounded with Essential Oil Blend of Sacred Mountain
Sacred Mountain can help ease fear and keep you grounded. This is one of my favorite oils. This blend has 3 different tree oils in it so it is very grounding and centering. It also contains ylang ylang which is calming and uplifting to the spirit. I have used this...
Realize we are Affected by Each Other’s Energy Fields
Not until I studied energy medicine did I realize how easily we are affected by each other’s energy fields. As an RN working in the hospital or home care I cared for patients that were happy, sad, angry, depressed, joyful, and every emotion you can think of. Some days...
Experiencing Low Energy, Feel Scattered and Worry a Lot?
Many clients come to me because they are experiencing low energy, feel scattered and worry a lot. When I assess their chakras the first one, root, is always congested (more about congested chakras to follow) along with various others. That is not surprising because...
Powerful Oil Blend of Purification for Personal and Home Use
The powerful oil blend of Purification is great for personal and home use. Here are a few examples: Eliminates odors in the air such as fish, cigar or cigarette smoke, mildew Cleanses and disinfects cuts and scrapes Helpful in clearing up acne Soothes and cleanses bug...
Swimming with Wild Dolphins was a Healing Experience
While in Hawaii, swimming with wild dolphins was a healing experience for me. The water was calm and the sun bright. After boarding Sunlight on Water, Captain “China” Mike said a prayer in Hawaiian before leaving the dock. It was for safe passage and to find...
Your Personal Care Products may be Causing Hormonal Imbalances
Are you aware that your personal care products may be causing hormonal imbalances? That’s right many products you use every day may contain endocrine disruptors (chemicals that interfere with human hormones) that can contribute to moodiness, cancer, early or late...
Pain can be a confusing type of Communication
On a whale watching tour in Hawaii I was blown away by the beauty, grace and size of the humpback whales. We had whales 100 yards out breeching (coming up and out of the water), slapping the water with their pectoral fin and just plain showing off –it was AWESOME! The...
The Power of Tea Tree Oil
The power of tea tree (Melalecua alternifolia) oil is its ability to kill and inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites and reduce inflammation. When I feel a cold coming on I often use Dr. P´enoёl’s advice on how to stop it in its tracks. In his...